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Specifications for Load Cycling System MCLCSSDM06

Load Cycling System
item #: MCLCSSDM06

This product is currectly not available in stock.

Availability:   Not Available

The Cycling System is designed for Life Cycling and Endurance Testing of Electro-Mechanical components.

This system can control and drive six devices using pick and hold modules.

Unit Price:   
1-4 pieces: $5,199.91   
5-9 pieces: $5,199.91   
10-24 pieces: $5,199.91   
25-49 pieces: $5,199.91   
50-99 pieces: $5,199.91   
Prices for larger quantities may be obtained by contacting us or by clicking the RFQ below.  
OEM quantities, more than 100 units or special instructions:

Special Comments

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The Cycling System is designed for Life Cycling and Endurance Testing of Electro-Mechanical components. Each system may drive up to sixteen independent devices with different actuation profiles. Additional units may require additional internal controllers at an additional cost.

This system can control and drive six devices using pick and hold modules.

The typical applications of the Cycling System testers is life cycling of the solenoids, relays, motors, voice coil motors, actuators, valves, keyboards, switches, and other applicable devices.

The compact and stand-alone unit consists of Controller, Drivers, and the Power Supplies. It conveniently connects to the serial port of the host computer.

The system may be controlled in different ways;

1) Stand-alone
In this mode, the controller does not need an external device such as a PC to operate. The easy controller code is developed, downloaded to the controller, run and saved in the controller non-volatile memory using the supplied Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

2) Externally Controlled
In this mode, the external host such as a PC, micro-controller or PLC sends a series of commands to the controller via the RS-232 serial port. The controller processes and performs the incoming commands and responds with proper messages.

Standard model is supplied with an 80 Watt, +24 VDC power supply. Different power supplies are available upon request.

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